Thin Places - Joe Iovino

Transfiguration Sunday
February 22, 2009
God is around us at all times and in all places. Not just in the big moments when He makes Himself powerfully known to us, but in the ordinary moments as well.


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No Room In the Inn - Pastor Bob Leeds

December 24, 2008
The story of the first Christmas as seen through the eyes of the innkeeper’s son.

this was posted in February, and therefore is out of order.


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Love for a Lifetime - Joe Iovino

February 15, 2009
Fireproof Week 6
Love is not about what it does for the individual. It is not even about what it does for the couple. Love is really love when it moves from me focused, through we focused, and on to totally focused on the other.


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A Better Way of Loving - Pastor Bob Leeds

February 15, 2009
Fireproof - Week 6
The Apostle Paul tells us that there is a better way to love.


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The OTHER Three Little Words - Joe Iovino

Fireproof Week 5
February 8, 2009
Forgiving others is not about them, it is about us. The grudges we hold weigh heavily on us. We need to release others from the pain they have caused us. When we do we release ourselves.


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